GraphiQL interface to query CyberConnect Identity


Hi, I'm using the GraphiQL interface to query Identity. After favoriting a domain within the Bonfida SNS interface, I tried to query my account but the domain key is empty. Are there any steps I'm missing? Do I have to be verified on twitter? For example:

My account returns empty string:

query DomainQuery{
    identity(address: "4ZF1wtHKAnxmEZGACgbgphHvuo5aK4wC4MCNJzLYVkMX", network: SOLANA) {

SBF's account returns sbf.sol: 
query DomainQuery{
    identity(address: "2NoEcR9cC7Rn6bP9rBpky6B1eP9syyPf8FXRaf1myChv", network: SOLANA) {

So would you say building something similar to this: and is possible with the current Solana GraphQL queries or profile endpoint{id}

Answers 1

You can build most of features with our api, but for getting solana domain and account twitter information, you need use Bonfida API for now.